It is well recognized that most ailments, especially life style diseases give sufficient warning symptoms which if neglected could end up in irreversible damage. MediHome primarily aims to help people maintain their periodic check-ups to detect variations in health and start remedial measures at the earliest. We not only provide diagnostic services such as lab tests and ECG but also complete physical examination by experienced doctors at regular intervals, which when taken at suitable intervals detect any physical changes in a patient. Our medical team calculates BMI and Calorie Intake of every patient and advices accurate changes in life style and food habits. We also boast of specialized doctors and physiotherapists in our team based on the package and requirement.
Our present approach to health care is to start treating a patient following the commencement of the disease. Typically, organs would have been affected with irreversible damage by then. For example, diabetes affects kidney, eyes and neurons if not kept under check; high blood pressure leads to stroke; high cholesterol predisposes to heart problems. These complications awfully affect the quality of life of not only the patient but also of the family. It makes them dependent and moreover a burden as they survive on copious number of medicines. The impact on health, quality of life, family and finance can be averted if adequate care and proper importance is given to health as it truly deserves.
MediHome provides a range of different preventive check-up packages to choose from according to one’s age, life style and risk factors. This pack is ideal for anyone above the age of 30.